To Change Your Life: Believe, Know and Trust that you can change. Then be willing to do whatever it takes!

Michele Douthitt

Recognized and affirmed by the following organizations:
RTT certification
Map Certification
International Association of Counselors Member Badge
michele douthitt
For many women, retirement feels scarier than expected. I’ve been where you are, and I understand the challenges you're facing. Having lost over 100 pounds and still on my journey, I know what it takes to achieve such a life-changing accomplishment. With my coaching and mentoring program, I’ll be with you every step of the way, guiding you to make this chapter the most exciting and fulfilling time of your life.

Finding purpose and meaning in your retirement years can undoubtedly be daunting. That’s why you need Transformations by Michele. Michele has walked in your shoes and knows the road ahead. She understands how intimidating this season of life can feel, but she also knows how exhilarating it is when you’re clear on your path. Michele is passionate about guiding you along that journey.

With many years of experience coaching and mentoring individuals and businesses, Michele brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. As a clinical hypnotherapist and certified MAP practitioner (process healing), she combines expertise with a straightforward, supportive approach. Michele delivers honesty with empathy and kindness, offering guidance that empowers and uplifts. She won’t coddle you, but she will inspire you with compassionate, no-nonsense coaching.

Michele is dedicated to helping women build confidence and momentum for the most exciting chapter of their lives.

What People Are Saying

“This program was phenomenal. I have found my self-confidence. I am now enrolled in a program to become a nurse. I love your saying “You can’t outperform your self-image”. This is so true; I didn’t believe I was smart enough and I lacked the confidence to even try to become a nurse. I love your program."



"Thank you for helping me lose weight and achieve my weight loss goal.

I have been at my goal weight for over a year and staying there."


"You led me from deep unworthiness and shame to self-awareness and unconditional love."

Sue M.

"I just joined Michele’s Thinking Into Results program 2 month ago. My life has changed so much. I get up every morning looking forward to the new day. The new discoveries. This program has already made me realize that I was thinking small, playing small. Life is to live, not sit on the side lines. I was sitting on the side lines. Life is amazing and getting better every day.

Michele is an amazing person and teacher. She makes the teaching so easy to understand.

Thank you, Thank you"

Robert P.

"Thank you so much for the wonderful hypnosis session. I can't believe that my anxiety is a thing of the past.

At first I thought it was not true and I keep waiting for it to come back. But it has been weeks and OMG it is really gone!

I am a changed person. I am living now."


I can’t tell you how grateful I am for you. I did the 3-package special for weight loss. I am so glad I did. I had been a binge eater for over 40 years, I am so grateful to say that I am no longer a binge eater. I no longer have any issues with food. This even gets better I am now 40 pounds lighter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


"I love the fact that you tell all, about yourself. Your stories are funny and on point with what we are learning. I was feeling like I was the only one who felt unworthy, who still had packed boxes, 3 years after the move. LOL You are truly amazing. I have learned to really appreciate myself. To see that I am good enough. And to stop running myself down. I will be forever grateful for you and this program."


Michele, Thank you so much! This is amazing. One session, just one. I still can't believe it was that easy. It has been over a two years and I haven't gained a pound. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


Michele is an outstanding therapist! Not only did the hypnosis work unbelievably quick; I have not had one anxiety or panic attach since I met with her over 6 months ago! I feel like I did this therapy just in time. I don't feel like I would have gotten through this uncertain time in the world right now and I'm surprised by how empowered I feel. I am at home in my body again! Thank you so much - you have change my life for the better!


I just had a hypnotherapy session with Michele today and it was amazing. I had many breakthroughs and got many answers that had been hidden in my subconscious mind. I was able to know the root cause of my depression and anxiety as well as dealing with the sensations that came up during the session. I felt the burden lifting up and leaving my body. Her coaching sessions are amazing as well and they make you feel empowered. Michele is truly a gift from the universe. I’m very thankful that I found her.


OMG Michele you knocked it out of the park. I had three coaching session with Michele about 3 months ago. I wanted to learn about Manifesting and the LOA.

The sessions were amazing. She totally overdelivered. She not only taught me about the Law of Attraction and Manifesting she taught me about visualization and vision boards and scripting and goal setting and…..
On top of all this, she helped me get ride of my limiting belief that I wasn’t enough and that I wasn’t worthy.

Thank you, Michele, you have changed me life forever


"You've shown us by example is really all about. I'm feeling in touch with my soul, and now understanding how truly beautiful life can be when in this state. You're a wonderful role model and a gifted teacher.”


Michele is an amazing business coach. I went from a doing farmers markets to owning a brick and mortar store. This has been a wonderful adventure. I would not have a business today if it were not for Michele. Thank you!

The Fudge Lady

I’ve struggled with stress, anxiety, and perfectionism for as long as I can remember. Then a few months ago, it all changed. Hypnotherapy works! Below is a bit of my story. I hope it can inspire you.


I just want to formally thank you for the RTT no-smoking, Non-Smoker session! It has been over 3 weeks and not one cigarette has touched my fingers or my lips! This is a huge deal as I have been a smoker on/off again for over 40 years. But this time, I can feel the difference.

No cravings, no thought of using a cigarette to avoid boredom or collect my thoughts. No going outside in bad weather or hiding in the car to light-up. Saving over $20 a week by not buying them. Clothes and car starting to smell fresh again. Not to mention my lungs have cleared and breathing is easier, and I laugh without coughing.

I can't thank you enough for sharing your RTT skills with me and creating a new non-smoking Sue. The tape is amazing and will continue to use it as a refresher when life throws a curve ball that previously would have sent me to the store for a pack. I am a non-smoker!

Sue S.

Be unapologetic about who you are and what you're about. You're worth it.

And don't be surprised when people ask you what the heck has come over you when you start crushing your dream!

Retired woman blowing a bubble