Coaching Services


Elite Self-Image Academy
  • 12-week Coaching Program
  • Ongoing access to the program
  • Weekly group coaching alone with Q & A
  • Community of peers via A private Facebook group
  • When you upgrade your self-image, you'll start building a life of happiness, radiant health, good fortune
  • Find out how to live the life on your terms

Celebrate your success as you step into the world of your dreams!

The Self-Image program is a great place to start your transformational journey

Do you ever wonder why, even with the best intentions, you can’t stay on a diet or exercise plan? Or why you don’t follow through with your plans to go back to school?

It is your self-image. Your own mental picture of yourself will impact every part of your life. The image of who we are, dictates what we do. When a particular action (dieting and exercising) is inconsistent with our self-image it is unlikely we will take that action. Or even if we do, it won't last.

This 12-week journey will help you to stop sabotaging yourself. The program helps you to upgrade / update your self-image. Go from ok, to extraordinary! Your self-image drives your: Motivation, Persistence, Happiness, Fulfillment, and your Overall feeling of success. When you upgrade your self-image, you'll start building a life full of confidence, happiness, radiant health and success. You can't outperform your self-image.

Or schedule a free, 15 Minute Clarity Call